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Corrupt a Wish
Granted but they all have cavities.

I wish I looked nice in shorts.
Granted, but your legs are hairy.

I wish I had more blue shirts.
Granted but they all look the same.

I wish there was no such thing as old age.
Video games aren't just for kids anymore!
Granted, but now you never grow up.

I wish I could lose more weight.
Granted but you can't eat all the foods you love.

I wish I was wealthy enough to build a huge home for all my family.
Granted, but it gets torn down by a huge tornado.

I wish summer wasn't almost over.
Granted but the temperature is over 100 for weeks.

I wish red sauce didn't give me heartburn.
Granted, but now it makes you lose your hair.

I wish there wasn't a power outage at my house.
Granted but you can no longer afford the electric bill.

I will all weekends were three days.
Granted, but you have plenty of house chores to do.

I wish it was April.

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