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Spoilers Characters
Here are some characters to introduce in the spin-off series:

Major (Important) Characters:

Ethan The Runner
Sabrina Uptike
Leonard Cloud
Sylvia Raindrop
Dennis Timer
Molly Yelch
Steven Warts
Melody Stromboli
Travis Black
Mallory Candymaker
Troy Yelch
Jasmine Smiles
Mrs. Sophia Powers (The Teacher)

Minor (Non-Important) Characters:

Mr. Percy Powers (The Other Teacher)
Mr. Wayne Poasker (The School Principal)
Theodore Liger
Vivian Liger

More to come.
You are so amazing how you are always coming up with ideas.
(02-07-2021, 02:13 PM)Scully Wrote: You are so amazing how you are always coming up with ideas.

I can't wait so hear what you have planned for this series.
Video games aren't just for kids anymore!
(02-12-2021, 09:45 PM)djblady Wrote: I can't wait so hear what you have planned for this series.

All I can say is that I have plans of characters from other states.
Can't wait. More amazing ideas from you!
Plus the seven Waterhill sisters.
I bet adventures are going to be amazing.
"The Truth is Out There."    The X-Files
With Jerky's return yes. Oh and he's NOT the real Chris in the spin-offs. His legal name is Jerky.
Did he decide to change his name?
"The Truth is Out There."    The X-Files

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